Electricity Usage per Year (in Kilowatt hour)

(Please describe the electricity usage per year on your campus. The following is an example of the description. You can describe more related items if needed.)

2.6. Electricity usage per year (in kilowatt-hours)

The total electricity usage of Han-tra Campus in 2023 is 4,006,706 kWh.

The graph below illustrates that the unit of electricity usage in a year with the period from October 2022 to September 2023

Additional evidence link (i.e., for videos, more images, or other files that are not included in this file):


2.7. Total electricity usage divided by total campus’ population (kWh per person) (EC.4)

Please provide the total electricity usage divided by the total campus’ population.

Formula: (2.6) / (1.12+1.14)

4,006,706 kWh/ (10,170+1,090) = 355.83

24 ครั้ง


  • วันนี้ : 13 ครั้ง
  • เดือนนี้ : 1905 ครั้ง
  • ปีนี้ : 6685 ครั้ง
  • ทั้งหมด : 31851 ครั้ง
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