ratio of renewable energy production divided by total energy usage per year

(Please describe the renewable energy sources on your campus. The following is an example of the description. You can describe more related items if needed.)


Renewable Energy

Production (in kWh)


Solar panel















26.500 / 100.000 (Electricity usage) = 26.5 %

The ratio of renewable energy production divided by total energy usage per year (EC.5)

The university has been using a greater portion of renewable energy in recent years. In 2022, the total electricity consumption is 3,432,542.04 kWh/year and the total renewable energy production at the university is 5,840 kWh/year or 0.17% of the total electricity consumption.    

The total renewable energy production in the university                = 5,840 kWh/year

Electricity usage per year of the university on 2022                         = 3,432,542.04 kWh/year

Ratio of renewable energy produce/production towards total energy usage per year

                                                                                                                                      = 0.17%


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50 ครั้ง


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  • เดือนนี้ : 2672 ครั้ง
  • ปีนี้ : 21469 ครั้ง
  • ทั้งหมด : 46635 ครั้ง
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