Greenhouse gas emission reduction program

(Please describe the elements of green building implementation on your campus. The following is an example of the description. You can describe more related items if needed.)

  1. Charging parking for private vehicles to reduce vehicles on campus, Scope 1: The university encourages personnel to reduce the use of fossil fuels by encouraging and promoting personnel to use bioethanol-infused fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel use. In addition, charging stations have been installed on campus to encourage personnel to switch to electric vehicles instead of fossil fuels.
  2. Renewable energy usage for electricity to reduce purchased electricity, Scope 2: Reduce electricity consumption by installing solar panels on the roof of the President's Office building partly as a pilot project to convert solar energy into electricity.

 Additional evidence link (i.e., for videos, more images, or other files that are not included in this file):

18 ครั้ง


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  • เดือนนี้ : 1919 ครั้ง
  • ปีนี้ : 6699 ครั้ง
  • ทั้งหมด : 31865 ครั้ง
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