Toxic Waste Treatment

(Please describe the program to treat toxic waste on your campus. The following is an example of the description. You can describe more related items if needed.)

Proper management of hazardous waste involves sorting it into different types to make it easier to collect and dispose of.

  1. For laboratory hazardous waste, a licensed company approved by the Department of Industrial Works (AKKHIE PRAKARN Public Company Limited.) will pick up the waste in the required amount and dispose of it appropriately. In 2023 disposal of laboratory hazardous waste 1.5 ton. The process of laboratory waste disposal in college universities is as follows:
  2. Collect the amount of laboratory waste by classification.
  3. Collect it until there is enough quantity to send it to the company for disposal.
  4. The company is authorized by law to pick up the waste for disposal.
  5. Take it to treatment in a legal way.
  6. 2. For hazardous waste generated in an office setting, such as light bulbs and batteries, the municipality will collect it for proper disposal or recycling.
  7. Printer cartridge disposal is handled by the company that rents the printer to the university.


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