Total Research Funds Dedicated to Sustainability Research (in US Dollars)

Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2021 = 2,480.40 US Dollars

Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2022 = 265,673.57 US Dollars

Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2023 = 348,068.60 US Dollars

The average annum last 3 years of research fund dedicated to sustainability research =  208,467.23 US Dollars


ref. exchange rate: 17 Oct. 23, 34.317 baht = 1 US dollar


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  • วันนี้ : 44 ครั้ง
  • เดือนนี้ : 56160 ครั้ง
  • ปีนี้ : 74957 ครั้ง
  • ทั้งหมด : 100123 ครั้ง
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