Energy efficient appliances usage

           University has the policy to become a Green University by implementing the plan of using more renewable energy and replacing low-efficient appliances with high ones. Recently, the university has received a budget from the Energy Ministry of Thailand to replace air-conditioners and lighting systems as well as to install a solar hot water production system for buildings For example, T8 and T5 light bulbs were changed to LED which can save more than 78.37% and air-conditioner which can save energy about 84.02% shown details in Table 2.1-2.2. The new air-conditioners and other appliances are labeled No.5 and the VRV air conditioning system which means that the system consumes electrical energy in the most efficient way and hence lowers the electricity bill. In the present, other organizations have visited University to learn about the energy-saving policy implementation.


Table 2.1 Energy-efficient appliances usage are replacing conventional in University

Table 2.2 Energy saving by efficient appliances in 2022

LED lighting changing in building (T8-18W and LED Bulb 9W)


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